Is IELTS safe during COVID-19?
- Last updated
Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we are continuing to run IELTS tests with several new measures designed to keep you comfortable and safe during your IELTS test. The safety our test-takers and staff during this time is our number one priority.
Read on to find out more about what we are doing!
IELTS & COVID-19 | Main safety procedures
Masks are mandatory inside the test centre and during your exam. However, if you do not have a mask, our friendly team will be happy to provide one!
Furthermore, the centre has reduced the number of test takers to allow for physical distancing.

Arrival and registration
- When you arrive, we will do a temperature check.
- We will ask you to confirm that you are not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and have not been in contact with a recent known case of COVID-19.
- The centre will provide a clean, white disposable bags for your belongings.
- During registration we are currently not taking fingerprints but you will be asked to briefly remove your mask only for your photo.

At the test centre
- We sanitize all equipment before and after each test and the centre cleaned professionally every day. We also have hand sanitizer stations throughout the centre.
- Physical distancing rules are enforced – please be mindful of your space between other test takers and staff.
- Large red stickers on the floors of our centre will help you keep a distance from other test-takers. In addition, desks are spaced at least 1m apart during the exam.
- For the Speaking exam, you will sit approximately 2 metres away from the examiner.
How will I get my IELTS results?
We will mail your official Test Report Form (TRF) to your postal address when your result is released. Therefore, please make sure your postal address is up-to-date BEFORE your test (
Additional TRF and EOR (remark) services are still available to order by email and the IELTS office is online from Monday to Friday (9:00am-04:30pm).
In-person services are limited, to maintain the safety of others taking their test and to comply with provincial safety regulations. For that reason, picking up your IELTS result from our downtown Vancouver office has been suspended temporarily.
What if I am sick, or have been in contact with a known case of COVID-19?
If you are experiencing possible COVID-19 symptoms or have recently been in contact with a known case, do not attend your test and contact your test centre directly to reschedule your test.
What happens on test day?
To find out more about what to expect on test day, visit our Test Day page.
I am ready to book a test. How do I register for IELTS?
Use our Test Session Search to find an IELTS test.
More questions?
Chat with us live (if we are online!) or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you by email within 1-2 business days. Alternatively, visit our Contact page for more ways to contact us.